I’ve been a veteran of one too many milf dates and let me tell you, it gets easier with time. That really is the essence of trying to step your milf date game up. There are really no two ways about it.
Of course, just like with anything else in life, the first time you try it, it’s going to be rough. You haven’t done it before, so why should you expect that it would be easy? It doesn’t make any sense if you expect things to be easy.
So don’t worry about it being hard, don’t worry about it being challenging. In many cases, you may feel like you’re a fish out of water, but that’s precisely what’s so awesome about it. You have to keep pushing against your comfort zone. You have to keep doing things differently because if you keep expecting that life would hand you a cookie every time you try something, then you are setting yourself up for failure and discouragement later in life.
Life is a bitch and, just like any other bitch, you have to bend it over and make it bend to your will. In other words, you have to step up. You have to get over your normal tendency to wish and hope that like was fair and that life would give you all the goodies that you’re entitled to.
The moment you stop living with mommy and daddy who took care of all your needs, you start realizing that life can be quite fucked up. It’s dog eat dog out there. Nobody’s going to throw you a bone. You have to chase it. You have to earn your keep. You can’t be a bitch about it.
This is why if you are serious about trying to step up your milf date game, it all boils down to understanding that you’re on your own. You have to figure it out on your own. You can’t rely on anybody else’s bullshit advice or opinion, you have to figure it out yourself. You have to see it for yourself, you have to keep at it until you beat it.
Going on a milf date and fucking that hot milf is really no different from applying for an ideal job, going through bullshit interviews and landing that position. It’s all about confronting your inner fears, it’s all about banishing your inner demons, and otherwise stepping up to life. You’re a man. Start acting like one. Nobody’s going to do it for you.
Going on a milf date that you’ve found on http://www.milfhookup.net and getting pussy is just another reward in the many contests that make up this life and for every reward, there is going to be a challenge. So step it up by choosing to believe in the process and investing the time, focus and energy to get things done.