Make no mistake about it. If you are looking for local hookups, you have to play the game right. That is really the bottom line. It is all a game. If you think that trying to get into the pants of a woman is going to be hard, guess what. It is going to be hard. It is all about your mindset. If you think that you are not going to hit the three-point shot, guess what. You are not going to hit that three-point shot.
Most guys fail to fuck the women that they are after because they sabotage themselves. They set up their goal, but at the same time, they don’t believe their goal. It is like me saying to myself I am going to get that job, but in the back of my mind I keep saying, “Well, I’m not qualified enough,” or “There are other better qualified and more experienced people out there.” These negative thoughts have a way of influencing my conscious thoughts, which then influence my physical actions. Since people react to my physical actions, it is easy to see why they would think I lack confidence and I might not be the right fit for their company.
You see how this all works out? It all begins with your mindset, and then your attitude will follow. Your attitude is then reflected in your body language and in your actions. Since the world only respects actions, your chances of failing or succeeding is triggered by your mind. The art of mastering the local hookup is simply about focusing on the right mental pictures. The moment you see a woman online, you should visualize you fucking her. You should visualize you getting your way with her. That is how it works. If you visualize yourself being shy, timid, or being intimidated by her, it is not going to work out.
Sure, a lot of your initial communications would be done through email, but people can read between the lines. People can see all sorts of signals that you may be unconsciously sending out. Regardless of how it plays out, it is not good. I’m telling you now. If you want to master the art of hooking up online with local women, you have to have the right mindset. You have to believe that you are going to fuck as many women online as possible. If you don’t believe it, nothing will help you.